History of the department

of aerospace control systems begins in 1965, when the Department of Aviation Instruments and Automation (APA) was formed from part of the staff of the Department of Aircraft Electrical Equipment (EOLA) of the Electrical Engineering Faculty (ETF) of the Kyiv Civil Air Fleet Institute (KI TSPF).

Department of aerospace control systems -

one of the oldest departments of the Faculty of Aeronautics, Electronics and Telecommunications and in the university.


It is a leading department in the field of training specialists in the latest technologies of design, production and operation of cybernetic systems for various purposes, application of modern information systems and technologies in aerospace control systems, scientific and technical examination of the quality of functioning of complex systems. In its work, the department takes into account promising industrial and technical trends in the most developed countries of the world, as an urgent need of industry, business, and scientific research in the formation of professional personnel capable of solving the issue of creating and operating highly intelligent technical, cybernetic, and organizational systems based on the latest achievements of world science and technologies.


First of all, this applies to such science-intensive industries as aviation, rocket and space technology, robotic complexes of modern enterprises, which are a priority in any developed country of the world, because they greatly influence its future. With today’s strict requirements for the quality of complex equipment, growing competition in its creation, there is a constant need for professionals who possess modern science-intensive technologies all over the world. At the same time, it is taken into account that the absolute majority of modern complex systems are developed as software-intensive systems based on information technologies.

Department of aerospace control systems -

one of the oldest departments of the Faculty of Aeronautics, Electronics and Telecommunications and in the university.


It is a leading department in the field of training specialists in the latest technologies of design, production and operation of cybernetic systems for various purposes, application of modern information systems and technologies in aerospace control systems, scientific and technical examination of the quality of functioning of complex systems. In its work, the department takes into account promising industrial and technical trends in the most developed countries of the world, as an urgent need of industry, business, and scientific research in the formation of professional personnel capable of solving the issue of creating and operating highly intelligent technical, cybernetic, and organizational systems based on the latest achievements of world science and technologies.


First of all, this applies to such science-intensive industries as aviation, rocket and space technology, robotic complexes of modern enterprises, which are a priority in any developed country of the world, because they greatly influence its future. With today’s strict requirements for the quality of complex equipment, growing competition in its creation, there is a constant need for professionals who possess modern science-intensive technologies all over the world. At the same time, it is taken into account that the absolute majority of modern complex systems are developed as software-intensive systems based on information technologies.

In 2000, the department was named Control Systems, and since 2008 - Aircraft Control Systems.

After 2000, the department switched to new learning technologies, introducing computers and computer classes into the educational process. This made it possible to intensify and make learning more intense. The department opened branches at the Institute of Cybernetics and the Center for Navigation and Traffic Management. Scientists of the department, such as Blokhin L.M., Tunik A.A., Azarskova V.M., Mashkova O.A., Chikovani V.V. and others actively carry out scientific research. During this time, the dissertations of many graduate students were successfully defended.


The scientific research of the department includes the development of technologies for navigation and control complexes, which are implemented in numerous enterprises. The department actively works in the field of creating robust control systems, including work on synthesis algorithms for unmanned and manned aircraft.


In particular, technologies for designing a flying laboratory for research in air and water spaces in the Antarctic have been developed. The department also successfully introduces new specializations and areas of training specialists in the field of system engineering and automation.


The result of scientific research is the creation of experimental samples of a high-precision digital gyroscopic measuring device used in various fields, including aviation, space, marine and land engineering.


The concept of an orbital space plane and a ground complex for manned and unmanned use with delivery to low-orbit stations and return from orbit has been developed. The methodology for designing a stabilized platform for ground objects and algorithms for integrating the equations of rotational and translational movements simplify the guidance and stabilization processes. Developed algorithms for UAV navigation and flight control systems use methods of fuzzy logic and artificial intelligence.


Theoretical developments in the field of dynamics of macrosystems are used in solving practical problems. Graduates are oriented to the management of technical and technological systems, aircraft and organizational systems using the achievements of cybernetic science and intelligent technologies.


Among the educational disciplines are computer science, intelligent technologies, management theory, automated systems, artificial intelligence technologies, etc. The objects of activity are cybernetic complexes, automated control systems, databases, navigation systems and UAV flight control.

Since 2018, the department has received a new name - Aerospace Management Systems

The face of the department: Management in different years