Educational and scientific laboratory
Educational and scientific laboratory
Information technologies in aerospace control systems
was created to conduct laboratory, practical classes in the disciplines of the department in accordance with the curricula and conduct scientific research and scientific and technical developments in the direction of aerospace control systems.
The main tasks of the educational and scientific laboratory are:
1Organization of educational activities of the educational and scientific laboratory
2Involvement of applicants and other participants in the educational process in scientific activities in educational, innovative and scientific projects
3Conducting (supporting) laboratory and practical classes in accordance with the schedule of the educational process and schedules of extracurricular work of applicants
4Development and implementation of innovative developments in practice
5Participation in the organization and support of scientific conferences, symposiums, round tables, etc
6Cooperation with scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and national branch scientific institutions; conducting joint scientific research, experimental and innovative developments
7Organization of cooperation with all defined groups of external stakeholders and organizations whose activities are related to conducting scientific research and implementing their results in production
8Development of the topics of laboratory (practical) and lecture classes based on the results of the scientific work of the National Academy of Sciences and their implementation in the educational process
9Involvement of students in the educational process in conducting applied scientific works
As part of the Educational and Scientific Laboratory, the following are organized and operate:

Research audience 501
Learn moreEducational audience of 504 gyroscopic devices and systems
Learn moreTraining audience of 506 altitude-speed parameters
Learn moreEducational audience of 508 aircraft engine control devices and systems
Learn moreEducational and scientific audience 310 study of Coriolis vibration gyroscopes
Learn moreComputer class 503
Learn moreComputer class 509
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