Educational and scientific audience 310 study of Coriolis vibration gyroscopes

The training room of gyroscopic devices and systems is intended for working out educational and scientific tasks related to the study of the principle of action, design, properties and features of the operation of aviation:


– astronomical compasses DAK-DB-5
– gyro aggregates GA-6 course system HMK-1
– transverse correction switches of the VK-90 type of gyroscopic device correction systems
– course system of TCS-P
– small-sized gyroverticals of the MGV-1SK type
– course systems “GREBIN-1”
– air horizons of the type AGB-3 and AGR-72
– accelerometers of the BDLU-0.5 type
– pilotage and navigation devices of the PNP-1 type
– command and piloting devices of the PKP-1 type

On the equipment installed in the classroom, laboratory and practical classes are held in the following disciplines:


– Information-measuring devices and sensors of control and automation systems
– Fundamentals of production of aviation systems
– Models of the dynamics of aircraft and moving objects
– Functional construction of pilotage and navigation complexes
– Aviation devices and systems
– Metrology, technological measurements and devices


The classroom equipment is also used by graduate students in conducting scientific research related to the directions of building optimal control systems and researching complex systems.


The stands of the educational audience were created by scientific and pedagogical workers and the teaching and auxiliary staff of the department with the participation and assistance of the Kyiv Automation Plant named after G.I. Petrovskyi, Kyiv “Radar” plant. Kyiv State Aviation Plant “AVIANT”, now “ANTONOV” State Enterprise.




Additional classroom equipment


Additional classroom equipment is used as demonstration samples of equipment when studying the following disciplines:

– Design of devices and control systems
– Digital control systems
– Information processing methods in control and navigation systems
– Fundamentals of aircraft navigation and orientation of moving objects
– Reliability management of complex systems
– Optimization methods in management tasks
– Basics of the theory of information processes

Our department makes maximum efforts to train students with high professional education, but our capabilities are limited by an outdated technical base. We are constantly looking for sponsors, but nowadays it is very difficult.


Join the process of intellectual restoration of the country’s potential, we will be very grateful to you.