Research audience 501
Designation of the research laboratory
The laboratory is designed for the development of software aimed at scientific research and the educational process, as well as the development and analysis of block-functional and schematic models of various systems and devices of aircraft.
Currently, the laboratory is carrying out work in the following areas:
- Development of client-server programs for aviation purposes;
- Mathematical research and modeling of aircraft systems and devices in MATLAB and Simulink computer systems;
- Modeling of aviation and general electronics devices in the Multisim computer system;
- Development of WEB-sites and other electronic materials focused on the educational process.
Computer class equipment

The equipment (computers) of the laboratory is connected to a local network according to the architecture of a typical segment of department networks and has an Internet connection.
The equipment of the laboratory today includes 5 medium-power desktop computers with Windows and Windows Server operating systems. Access to the Internet is provided by a router with dynamic allocation of IP addresses.
To prepare educational materials, the equipment includes a laser printer with network access and a printer-scanner.
For the preparation of electronic educational materials, 2 computers are equipped with multimedia peripherals.
Developments on Multisim for the educational process

Another final series of developments for the educational process was carried out in the Multisim computer system. The figure shows a model of an analog-to-digital converter using the double integration method.
Console client-server programs for aviation purposes

A client-server program for obtaining flight information for load balancing in transport aviation. Kravchenko Korney Viktorovych, a 4th-year student, took part in the development of the program and defended his bachelor’s degree. The figure shows the server and client consoles.

Client-server program for displaying flight information about fuel temperature. The 4th year student Tkal Andrii Dmitrievich took part in the development of the program and defended his bachelor’s degree. The illustration shows only the client console.
Developments on MATLAB for the educational process

One of the last ones was the development of a library of MATLAB functions for the approximation of functions given in tabular form. Approximation is performed both by power series and by series of arbitrary analytic functions. The figure shows the case of approximation by a number of arbitrary analytic functions. This library can be used not only for calculations, especially the library is important for the learning process because all modules are available in their derived text. The named library can be downloaded from the following link: lsm.rar
Our department makes maximum efforts to train students with high professional education, but our capabilities are limited by an outdated technical base. We are constantly looking for sponsors, but nowadays it is very difficult.
Join the process of intellectual restoration of the country’s potential, we will be very grateful to you.