Selected publications

Selected publications of scientists of the AKSU department

Textbooks and monographs

    1. L. N. Blokhin. Optimal stabilization systems
    2. L. N. Blokhin, I. K. Kadyshev. Basics of navigation and pilotage-navigation complexes: Textbook for higher education institutions / Edited by L. N. Blokhin
    3. St. N. Azarskov. Methodology of optimal modernization of control of aerospace flight simulators and simulators
    4. L. N. Blokhin. Optimization of the characteristics of measuring complexes
    5. L. N. Blokhin, St. N. Azarskov. The most important scientific and organizational problem of domestic aviation.
    6. L. N. Blokhin. Synthesis of optimal robust systems in problems of ergonomics and stochastic stabilization.
    7. L. N. Blokhin. The problem and knowledge-intensive technologies of creating optimal and modernizing existing on-board cybernetic complexes of moving objects.
    8. L. N. Blokhin, V. N. Kozak. Synthesis of an optimal robust object stabilization system with rejecting elements.
    9. L. Blokhin. The problem and algorithm of optimum stochastic stabilization systems with increased nobasticity // The first international forum on astronautics and aeronautics, Harbin, 2000, 763-767p.
    10. V. Azarskov, L. Blokhin. Problems and methodology of moving objects airborne metering and control systems dynamic certification using motion simulation complexes. // The first international forum on astronautics and aeronautics, Harbin, 2000, 768-773p.

Publications of 2022

Selected publications of 2022