Krivonosenko Oleksandr Petrovych

Ph.D., Associated Professor

Direction of scientific activity:


Modernization of control complexes and optimization of stochastic stabilization systems with complex dynamic systems and moving objects.



After graduating from high school with the “Gold Medal for Excellent Academic Achievement” honors, he entered the Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers at the Electrical Engineering Faculty and graduated with honors in 1982 with a major in “Technical Operation of Aviation Equipment”.


After graduating from the institute, he worked at the university in various positions as an engineer, assistant, associate professor, deputy dean, dean.


Since 1988, he worked as an associate professor of the department and continued to conduct both educational and research work at the faculty.


In 1990, he graduated by correspondence with a postgraduate course on 05.13.01 “Management in technical systems”. He defended his PhD thesis in 1991 on the topic “Optimal synthesis of transport aircraft stabilization systems”. In 1992, he received the academic title of associate professor.


Since 1985, he participated in scientific research work with the Cosmonaut Training Center in conducting a complex of scientific studies on the creation of a simulator for end-to-end simulation of the dynamic factors of aerospace flight for the training of the crews of the reusable ship “Buran” based on the four-stage centrifuge CF-18.


In 2001, he started working as the deputy dean of the Faculty of Management Systems, in 2004 as the dean of the Faculty of Management Systems, and later as the deputy director of the Institute of Electronics and Management Systems at NAU.


He has published more than 90 scientific works, including 4 teaching aids and a textbook for students of higher education institutions specializing in “Control and automation systems” of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine.


Takes an active part in public activities, academician of the Transport Academy of Ukraine.


He was awarded the Thanks of the State Space Agency of Ukraine for his significant personal contribution to the development of the rocket and space industry of Ukraine. For active educational, methodical and organizational work to ensure the educational process at the university, he is encouraged by the Certificate of Honor of the Mayor of Kyiv, the Certificate of Honor of MONU, the badge “For Conscientious Work”.


Participates in works that are tested in the development of prestigious aviation and aerospace equipment and ensure the creation of competitive equipment in both aviation and other industries.