Nataliya Vasylivna Bilak

Ph.D., Associated Professor

Direction of scientific activity:


Study of the quality of dynamic systems under stochastic influences by spectral methods;
Solving problems of managing moving objects using numerical methods.



In 2000, she graduated from the Kyiv International University of Civil Aviation with a degree in “Biomedical and technical devices and systems”.


Candidate of technical sciences since 2005, she defended her thesis on September 28, 2005 at the specialized academic council of the National Aviation University. Dissertation topic: “Dynamic design of the optimal lateral channel stabilization system of the aircraft (for flights in transport echelons)”.


In 2007, she successfully completed advanced training courses at the Institute of Postgraduate Studies of the National Aviation University in the course “Management of Educational Activities”.


On July 1, 2011, by the decision of the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Aircraft Control Systems.


15 years of teaching experience in higher educational institutions of the III-IV accreditation level, all at NAU. Basic training courses: Special sections of mathematics, Statistical dynamics of control systems, Technologies of system management of organizations, Mathematical modeling and optimization of systems and processes, Basics of modeling of technological processes, Optimization methods in management and control, Implementation of management tasks by numerical methods.


He is the author of 47 published works, of which 40 are scientific and 7 are educational and methodological in nature: the textbook “Statistical Dynamics of Control Systems”, the textbook “Special Sections of Mathematics”, lecture notes “Technologies of System Management of Organizations”, methodological recommendations for performing laboratory work in the discipline ” Technologies of system management of organizations”, methodological recommendations for the implementation of a course project in the discipline “Statistical dynamics of control systems”, laboratory workshops “Fundamentals of modeling of technological processes” and “Statistical modeling of complex systems”.

The main stages of pedagogical activity:


From 2005 to 2006, assistant of the Department of Control Systems of the Institute of Aerospace Control Systems of NAU.
From 2006 to 2013, associate professor of the Department of Control Systems of the Institute of Aerospace Control Systems of NAU.
Since 2013, associate professor of the Department of Aircraft Control Systems of the Institute of Aeronautics of NAU.

List of main scientific and educational and methodological works

  1. Blokhin L.M., Bilak N.V. Methodology for ensuring the competitiveness of the processes of navigation and management of domestic moving objects // Bulletin of the Northern Scientific Center of the Transport Academy of Ukraine. Vol. 12 – 2009. – P. 96-102
  2. Bylak N.V., Litvynova O.V., Zamkovai D.V., Kuhar V.V. Formulation and algorithm of the task of structural identification of helicopter dynamics models taking into account the stabilizing influence of the cargo suspension according to experimental data // Gyrotechnologies, navigation, movement management and construction of aviation and space technology: Collection. reports of the VII MNTC. – K.: NTUU “KPI”, 2009. – P. 344-348.
  3. Blokhin L.M., Bilak N.V. Methodology of experimental determination of models of dynamics of a moving object and stochastic factors disturbing its stabilization // Bulletin of NAU. – 2011. – Issue 2. – P. 39-43
  4. Bilak N.V., Poleva A.M., Yuzych N.A. Synthesis of the optimal structure of the observer of the initial state of a multidimensional object with arbitrary dynamics under random influences // Problems of informatization and management. – 2014. – Issue. 4 (48). – P. 21-27.
  5. Bilak N.V., Sklyar O.O. Approximate-spectral analysis of a random process // Problems of informatization and management: coll. of science works – K.: NAU, 2015. – Issue 2 (50). – P. 26-32.
  6. Bilak N.V., Kirilyuk O.O. The optimization problem of aircraft altitude and speed gain with minimal fuel consumption // FLIGHT-2016: Modern problems of science: XIV International. scientific-practical conference students and young scientists, April 6-8, 2016 theses add. – K., 2016. – P. 18.
  7. Abramovich O., Bilak N.V., Galaguz T. Comparison of Control Performance in Robust Flight Control Systems Design via Parametric H2/H? – Optimization and Structural – Parametric Synthesis // Actual Problems of Unmanned Air Vehicles Developments: 2nd International Conference, October 13–15, 2015: abstracts. – K., 2015. – P. 165-168
  8. Bilak N.V., Makedonska A.T. Identification of the parameters of the mathematical model of the aircraft run-up by iterative methods // “Problems of the development of the global system of communication, navigation, surveillance and organization of air traffic CNS/ATM”: scientific and technical conference, November 21-23, 2018, Kyiv. – K.: NAU, 2018. – P.107.
  9. Blokhin L.M., Bilak N.V., Burychenko M.Yu., Bezkorovainy Y.M., Krivonosenko O.P. Statistical dynamics of control systems // Textbook. – K.: NAU, 2014. – 300 p.
  10. Bilak N.V., Klipa A.M., Sushchenko O.A. Special sections of mathematics // Educational manual. – K.: NAU, 2018. – 280 p.
  11. Bilak N.V., Abramovich O.O., Novytska N.D. Basics of modeling of technological processes // Laboratory workshop. – K.: NAU, 2020. – 64 p.
  12. Abramovych O.O., Bilak N.V., Galaguz T.A., Novytska N.D. Statistical modeling of complex systems // Laboratory practice. – K.: NAU, 2021. – 64 p.