Olena Oleksandrivna Abramovich

Ph.D., Associated Professor

Direction of scientific activity:


Synthesis of robust control systems



In 2002, she graduated from the National Aviation University majoring in “Biomedical and technical devices and systems”.


Candidate of technical sciences since 2005, she defended her thesis on September 28, 2005 at the specialized academic council of the National Aviation University. Dissertation topic: “Robust optimization of digital laws of flight control of unmanned aerial vehicles.”


In 2007, she successfully completed advanced training courses at the Institute of Postgraduate Studies of the National Aviation University in the course “Management of Educational Activities”.


On January 20, 2011, by the decision of the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Aircraft Control Systems.


10 years of teaching experience in higher educational institutions of the III-IV accreditation level, all at NAU. Basic training courses: Optimal control systems, Theory of automatic control, Architecture of computer systems, Reliability management of complex systems.


He is the author of 30 published works, of which 23 are scientific and 7 are educational and methodological in nature, including the textbook “Fundamentals of Modern Management Theory” with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine, the laboratory workshop “Modern Management Theory”, methodological instructions for performing laboratory work for the discipline ” Basics of modern control theory”, methodical instructions for the performance of laboratory work for the discipline “Theory of automatic control”.

The main stages of pedagogical activity:


From 2003 to 2006, assistant of the Department of Control Systems of the Institute of Aerospace Control Systems of NAU.
From 2006 to 2013, associate professor of the Department of Control Systems of the Institute of Aerospace Control Systems of NAU.
Since 2013, associate professor of the Department of Aircraft Control Systems of the Institute of Aeronautics of NAU.

During the years of work at the university, the following disciplines were taught:


“Optimal management systems”

“Theory of automatic control”

“Architecture of computer systems”

“Reliability management of complex systems”

List of main scientific and educational and methodological works

At present, he has 30 printed works, of which 23 are scientific and 7 are educational and methodical.


  1. 1. Abramovych O.O., Tunik A.A. Parametric Robust Optimization of the Digital Flight Control Systems. Bulletin of NAU. – 2003. – Issue 2. – P.31-37.
  2. 2. Abramovych O.O., Tunik A.A. A multi-model approach to parametric robust optimization of discrete control systems. Avia-2003: materials of the V MNTK, April 23-25, 2003, Kyiv. – K.: NAU, 2003. – P. 9-12.
  3. 3. Abramovych O.O., Tunik A.A., Galaguz T.A., Azarskov V.M. Optimal stochastic control of the lateral movement of an unmanned aerial vehicle with incomplete measurement of the state vector in continuous systems. Avia-2003: materials of the V MNTK, April 23-25, 2003, Kyiv. – K.: NAU, 2003. – P. 70-73.
  4. 4. Abramovych O.O., Tunik A.A. A multi-model approach to parametric robust optimization of digital flight control systems. Problems of management and informatics. – 2004. – Issue 2. – P.32-41
  5. 5. Abramovych O.O., Tunik A.A. Determination of dynamic feedback by the method of modal control. Problems of informatization and management. – 2004. – Issue. 11. – P.225-228
  6. 6. Abramovych O.O., Tunik A.A. Robust parametric optimization of a discrete control system that has unstructured parametric disturbances. Bulletin of NAU. – 2004. – Issue 2. – P. 30-35.
  7. 7. Abramovych O.O., Tunik A.A. Evaluation of the effect of prepulse filtering on the dynamics of a digital system. Avia-2004: materials of the VI MNTC, April 26-28, 2004, Kyiv. – K.: NAU, 2004. – Vol. 2. – P.26.32-26.35
  8. 8. Abramovych O.O., Tunik A.A. Robust parametric optimization under turbulent wind and random measurement noise. Avionics-2004: materials V MNTK, May 20-21, 2004, Kyiv. – K.: NAU, 2004. – P.44-45
  9. 9. Abramovych O.O., Abramovych N.A., Horbatyuk O.D. Parametric robust optimization of discrete control systems. Avionics-2004: materials V MNTK, May 20-21, 2004, Kyiv. – K.: NAU, 2004. – P.52-53
  10. 10. Abramovych O.O., Tunik A.A. Assessment of the influence of unstructured parametric perturbations on the robustness and quality of closed digital control systems. Automation-2004: materials of the 11th International Conference on Management, September 27-30, 2004, Kyiv. – K.: Nat. Univ. food. of technologies, 2004. – P. 41
  11. 11. Abramovych O.O., Tunik A.A. Methodology for the synthesis of robust discrete control systems for an unmanned aerial vehicle. Gyrotechnologies, navigation and motion control: materials V MNT, Kyiv. – K.: NTUU “KPI”, 2005. – P. 287-290.
  12. 12. Abramovych O.O., Tunik A.A., Abramovych N.A. Robust parametric optimization of a discrete stratospheric balloon control system. Problems of informatization and management. – K.: NAU, 2005. – Vol. 13. – P.124-131
  13. 13. Abramovych O.O., Tunyk A.A. Galaguz T.A. Xu Guo-Dung. Modern methods of synthesis of robust flight control systems of unmanned aerial vehicles. Information technology and computer engineering. – Vinnytsia, 2005. – No. 3. – pp. 134–140
  14. 14. Abramovych O.O., V.M. Hrybov, Y.V. Hryshchenko, L.M. Sytnyanskikh. Reliability and diagnostics of technical systems. Educational and methodological manual. – K.: NAU, 2005. – 120 p.
  15. 15. O.O. Abramovych, A.A. Tunik. Basics of modern management theory. Methodical instructions for performing laboratory works 1-6 in the MATLAB program package. – K.: NAU, 2005. – 56 p.
  16. 16. Abramovych O.O., Horbatyuk O.D., Galaguz T.A. Determination of dynamic feedback by the method of modal control and expansion of the region of robust stability of discrete control systems. Electronics and control systems. – K.: NAU, 2006. – Vol. 2(8). -WITH. 163-16917. Abramovych O.O., Horbatyuk O.D., Abramovych N.A. Application of an aerostatic platform for the organization of a global telecommunications system. Electronics and control systems. – K.: NAU, 2006. – Vol. 3(9). -WITH. 155-163
  17. 17. Abramovych O.O., Horbatyuk O.D., Abramovych N.A. Application of an aerostatic platform for the organization of a global telecommunications system. Electronics and control systems. – K.: NAU, 2006. – Vol. 3(9). -WITH. 155-163
  18. 18. O.O. Abramovych, A.A. Tunik. Basics of modern management theory. Methodical instructions for performing laboratory works 7-15 in the MATLAB program package. – K.: NAU, 2006. – 48 p.
  19. 19. O.O. Abramovych, A.A. Tunik. Basics of modern management theory. Methodical instructions for performing laboratory works 16-20 in the MATLAB program package. – K.: NAU, 2006. – 48 p
  20. 20. O.O. Abramovych, O.E. Pogrebnyak. Study of the economic benefit of using an unmanned aerostatic platform to solve the problem of a global telecommunications network. Flight 2008: materials of the 8th MNC of students and young scientists, Kyiv. – K.: NAU, 2008. – P. 240
  21. 21. O.O. Abramovych, O.I. Andrushchenko. Synthesis of a robust discrete control system of an unmanned aerostatic platform. Flight 2008: materials of the 8th MNC of students and young scientists, Kyiv. – K.: NAU, 2008. – P. 241
  22. 22. Abramovich O.O., Nadsadna O.I., Bulavkina S.O. Investigation of the robust stability of the aerostatic platform. Aviation – 2009: materials of the IX MNTK, Kyiv. – K.: NAU, 2009. – Vol. 2. – P. 9.5-9.8
  23. 23. Abramovich O.O., Nadsadna O.I., Bulavkina S.O. Evaluation of the influence of unstructured dynamics in the optimization of the laws of control of a balloon. Electronics and control systems. – K.: NAU, 2009. – Vol. 4(22). – pp. 90-97.
  24. 24. Abramovych O.O., Nadsadna O.I., Bulavkina S.O. Synthesis of the laws of controlling a balloon under the action of unstructured disturbances. Bulletin of NAU. – K.: NAU, 2010. – Vol. 1. – P. 112-118.
  25. 25. Abramovych O.O., Galaguz T.A. Komnatska M. M. Comparison of the results of the synthesis of robust control systems using the Kalman observer and the Luenberger observer. Control, navigation and communication systems. K.: 2010. – Issue 2(14). – P.75-82.
  26. 26. Abramovych O.O., Nadsadna O.I., Bulavkina S.O. Parametric synthesis of a robust discrete balloon control system. Flight-2010: materials of X MNC of students and young scientists, Kyiv. – K.: NAU, 2010. – Vol. 1. – P.107.
  27. 27. O.O. Abramovych, A.A. Tunik. Basics of modern management theory. Tutorial. – K.: NAU-print, 2010. – 260 p. (Registry of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine. Letter No. 1/ІІ-1142 dated 23.02.2010)
  28. 28. Abramovych O.O., Yu.K. Ziatdnov, V.A. Vasilenko, Yu.O. Ermachkov, and others. Modern theories of management. Laboratory practice. – K.: NAU-print, 2010. – 60 p.
  29. 29. Abramovych O.O., O. Basanets. Synthesis of a robust UAV rotating control system and its investigation in the presence of unstructured uncertainty. Control, navigation and communication systems. – 2011. – Issue 1(17). – P.59-63
  30. 30. Abramovych O.O., A. Klipa, O. Yermolaeva, P. Troyanov. Theory of automatic control. Methodical instructions for performing laboratory work for students in the field of training 6.050201 “System engineering” – K.: NAU, 2012. – 100 p.