Sushchenko Olga Andriivna

D.Sc., prof.

The direction of scientific activity


Specialist in the field of systems and devices for managing moving objects



Specialist in the field of systems and devices for managing moving objects. She graduated from KPI in 1980.

She defended her PhD thesis in 1991. She defended her doctoral thesis in 2016.

Has more than 214 scientific and methodical publications, including 4 training manuals and a textbook.

During the years of work at the university, the following disciplines were taught:


“Information-measuring devices and avionics systems”;

“Information-measurement avionics devices and systems”.

Перелік основних наукових та навчально-методичних праць

Modelling and simulation of DME navigation global service volume

I Ostroumov, N Kuzmenko, O Sushchenko, V Pavlikov, S Zhyla, …
Advances in Space Research 68 (8), 3495-3507
Statistical synthesis of aerospace radars structure with optimal spatio-temporal signal processing, extended observation area and high spatial resolution

S Zhyla, V Volosyuk, V Pavlikov, N Ruzhentsev, E Tserne, A Popov, …
A probability estimation of aircraft departures and arrivals delays

I Ostroumov, N Kuzmenko, O Sushchenko, M Zaliskyi, O Solomentsev, …
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 363-377
Synthesis of the optimal algorithm and structure of contactless optical device for estimating the parameters of statistically uneven surfaces

O Shmatko, V Volosyuk, S Zhyla, V Pavlikov, N Ruzhentsev, E Tserne, …
Radioelectronic and computer systems, 199-213
Discrete-time robust steady-state control of nonlinear multivariable systems: a unified approach

LS Zhiteckii, VN Azarskov, KY Solovchuk, OA Sushchenko
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 8140-8145
Robust Control of Angular Motion of Platform with Payload Based on H-Synthesis

OA Sushchenko
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 48 (12)
Radio-heat contrasts of UAVs and their weather variability at 12 GHz, 20 GHz, 34 GHz, and 94 GHz frequencies

N Ruzhentsev, S Zhyla, V Pavlikov, V Volosyuk, E Tserne, A Popov, …
ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications …
Optimal method for polarization selection of stationary objects against the background of the Earth’s surface

V Volosyuk, S Zhyla, V Pavlikov, N Ruzhentsev, E Tserne, A Popov, …
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, 83-89-83-89
Practical imaging algorithms in ultra-wideband radar systems using active aperture synthesis and stochastic probing signals

S Zhyla, V Volosyuk, V Pavlikov, N Ruzhentsev, E Tserne, A Popov, …
Radioelectronic and Computer Systems, 55-76
Nonorthogonal redundant configurations of inertial sensors

OA Sushchenko, YN Bezkorovainyi, ND Novytska
2017 IEEE 4th International Conference Actual Problems of Unmanned Aerial …
Data processing system for altitude navigation sensor

OA Sushchenko, VO Golitsyn
2016 4th International Conference on Methods and Systems of Navigation and …
H2/H∞ optimization of system for stabilization and control by line-of-sight orientation of devices operated at UAV

OA Sushchenko, OV Shyrokyi
2015 IEEE International Conference Actual Problems of Unmanned Aerial …
Robust stabilization of UAV observation equipment

OA Sushchenko, AA Tunik
2013 IEEE 2nd International Conference Actual Problems of Unmanned Air …
Processing of redundant information in airborne electronic systems by means of neural networks

OA Sushchenko, YM Bezkorovayniy, VO Golytsin
2019 IEEE 39th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology …
Theoretical and experimental assessments of accuracy of nonorthogonal MEMS sensor arrays

O Sushchenko, Y Bezkorovainyi, N Novytska
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 40-49
Improvement of UAV positioning by information of inertial sensors

YN Bezkorovainyi, OA Sushchenko
2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Methods and Systems of Navigation …
Dynamic analysis of nonorthogonal redundant inertial measuring units based on MEMS-sensors

OA Sushchenko, YM Bezkorovainyi, ND Novytska
2018 IEEE 38th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology …
Fault-tolerant inertial measuring instrument with neural network

OA Sushchenko, YM Bezkorovainyi, VO Golitsyn
2020 IEEE 40th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology …
Inventory control for a manufacturing system under uncertainty: adaptive approach

VN Azarskov, LS Zhiteckii, KY Solovchuk, OA Sushchenko, RO Lupoi
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 10154-10159
Robust optimization of the inertially stabilized platforms

OA Sushchenko, AA Tunik
2012 2nd International Conference” Methods and Systems of Navigation and …
Invariant polarization signatures for recognition of hydrometeors by airborne weather radars

A Popov, E Tserne, V Volosyuk, S Zhyla, V Pavlikov, N Ruzhentsev, …
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 201-217
Usage of vector parametric optimization for robust stabilization of ground vehicles information-measuring devices

A Tunik, O Sushchenko
Proсeedings of the National Aviation University, 23-32
Математична модель системи стабілізації рухомого наземного об’єкта

ОА Сущенко, РА Сайфетдінов
Електроніка та системи управління.–2007 3 (13), 146-151
Features of control of tracking modes

OA Sushchenko
Electronics and Control Systems, 40-47
Особливості управління системою визначення курсу в режимі попереднього приведення до горизонту

ОА Сущенко
Advances in aerospace technology 21 (3), 86-89
GPS usage analysis for angular orientation practical tasks solving

K Dergachov, O Havrylenko, V Pavlikov, S Zhyla, E Tserne, V Volosyuk, …
2022 IEEE 9th International Conference on Problems of Infocommunications …