Valery Mykolayovych Azarskov

D.Sc., prof.

The direction of scientific activity





He was born in 1944 in the city of Galevo, Brest Region, Belarus. In 1968, he graduated from the Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers.

He worked at the institute in various engineering positions, as the head of the department in the research department and the research simulation center – under the scientific leadership of Academician Oleksandr Kukhtenko – on the implementation of the state program for the creation and implementation of the first simulators in the USSR for training cosmonauts for flights to the Moon and other planets.

Participated in the development, creation and testing of 2 sets of the landing module of the lunar spacecraft “Sirius”, the installation of modules at RKK “Energia” and the Cosmonaut Training Center.

In 1975, he graduated from postgraduate studies with a specialty in “computational mathematics”, during 1977-1983 he worked as an assistant to the rector of the institute, combining research and teaching work. He defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic “methodology and algorithms for determining the dynamic characteristics of aircraft during operation” (it solved the problems of increasing the dynamic characteristics of the TU-144 and TU-160 aircraft, later this technique was used in the design of the control system of the AN-124 aircraft ” Ruslan”).

Since 1982, he participated (as a responsible executor) in a number of research works on the optimization of dynamic object management systems for various purposes. In 1985, he was awarded the title of senior researcher.

From 1984 to 1991, he was a member of the Interuniversity Coordination Section of the Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on problems of navigation and traffic management. Since 1985, he participated in the institute (together with the Cosmonaut Training Center) in conducting a complex of scientific researches – on the creation of a simulator for the end-to-end simulation of the dynamic factors of aerospace flight during the training of cosmonauts under the program of training the crews of the reusable ship “Buran” (on the basis of a four-stage centrifuge of the CF -18). With the help of these works, it was possible to modernize the mobility control system of the simulator created by the Swedish company ACEA (using equipment and computer technology from France and the USA).

In 1995, he completed his doctoral studies, engaged in research work commissioned by the Ministry of Industrial Policy and the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine – on the development of concepts, methods and tools for semi-realistic modeling – for the purpose of certification, attestation and resource tests of aircraft and guidance systems.

For the cycle of research and development works “Development of the methodology for creating optimal and modification of existing simulators of aerospace turbulent flight and optimal systems for stabilizing moving objects” was awarded the Academician M. K. Yangel Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

In 1998, he defended his doctoral thesis on the topic “methodology of optimal modernization of control of aerospace flight simulators and simulators”.

Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology for 1998 – for a cycle of research, development and implementation works on the creation of the first domestic system of course determination and the latest technologies of autonomous navigation.

During 2000-2004, he headed the Faculty of Management Systems. In 2010-2013, he headed the Institute of Aerospace Management Systems; Head of the Department of Aircraft Control Systems.

As a teacher, he trained 7 candidates of technical sciences. He is the scientific director of 3 research works.

More than 200 of his scientific works have been published, including 4 monographs:

  • “Methodology of optimal modification of control of aerospace flight simulators and simulators”
  • “Robust methods of assessment, identification and adaptive management”
  • “Methodology of designing optimal systems of stochastic stabilization”
  • “Analysis and forecasting of financial instruments in crisis conditions”

The textbooks “Experimental testing and research of systems” and “Reliability of control and automation systems”, 5 training manuals, were also published.

More than 10 certificates for inventions and patents have been registered.

He is a member of 2 specialized scientific councils for the defense of doctoral theses, the editorial board of scientific journals: “Visnyk NAU”, “Electronics and control systems”, “Information protection”, deputy chairman of the “Education and Science” Committee of the Aerospace Society of Ukraine.

List of main scientific and educational and methodological works

Discrete algorithm for synthesizing the optimal structure of stochastic control of a stand-simulator of a moving object // Vopr. cybernetics. Moscow, 1986; Methodology for optimal modernization of control of aerospace flight simulators and simulators. K., 1996; Methodology for identifying the acceleration channel of pilot dynamics models that receive and transmit stochastic navigation information // Spring. Center. Sci. Transport center. Academy of Ukraine. 1998. No. 1 (co-author); Orientation models of the dynamics of drilled ridges of an important transport aircraft // There itself.