Yermolaeva Olga Viktorivna

Senior Lecturer of the department

Direction of scientific activity:

Synthesis and optimization of automatic control systems



In 1998, she graduated from the Kyiv International University of Civil Aviation, later the National Aviation University, majoring in “Lighting and Light Sources”.


From 2000 to 2003, an engineer of the 1st category of the department of control systems and metrology of the faculty of control systems of the Institute of Electronics and Control Systems of NAU.


In 2010, she successfully completed advanced training courses at the Postgraduate Training Institute of the National Aviation University on the course “Management of Educational Activities”.


15 years of teaching experience in higher educational institutions of the III-IV level of accreditation, all at NAU.


He is the author of 52 printed works, of which 27 are scientific and 4 are educational and methodical. He is working on a PhD thesis.

The main stages of pedagogical activity:


From 2003 to 2013, an assistant at the Department of Aircraft Control Systems of the Institute of Electronics and Control Systems of NAU.

Since 2013, an assistant at the Department of Aircraft Control Systems of the Institute of Aeronautics of NAU.

Since 2017, he is a senior lecturer at the Department of Aircraft Control Systems of the Institute of Aeronautics of NAU.

Conducts classes in the following disciplines:


Information and measurement elements of on-board control systems,

Functional construction of pilotage and navigation complexes,

Systems theory and system analysis,

Theory of automatic control,

Theory and practice of personnel management,

Database management systems,

Information-measuring devices and avionics systems.

List of main scientific and educational and methodological works

  1. 1. Blokhin L.N., Ermolaeva O.V. Important aspects and directions of a successful solution to the problem of training a competitive system profile specialist. Actual problems and prospects of training competitive specialists: International scientific and technical conference, November 20-23, 2001: theses addendum. – K., 2001. – P. 254. – P. 83–91.
  2. 2. Ermolaeva O.V. The task of synthesis of optimal control of the simulator stand. Avia-2002: IV International Scientific and Technical Conference, April 24-26, 2002: theses addendum – K., 2002. – Volume 2. – P. 23.35–23.38.
  3. 3. Yermolaeva O.V., Bezkorovainy Y.M., Yurchenko O.M. Methodological bases of optimization of full-scale and semi-full-scale flight simulation complexes under stochastic influences. Avia-2003: 5th International Scientific and Technical Conference, April 23-25, 2003: theses addendum – K., 2003.- Volume 2. – P.41-44
  4. 4. Yermolaeva O.V., Krivonosenko O.P.. Analytical design of an optimal control system for a stand simulator of disturbed motion of a dynamic object. Avia-2003: 5th International Scientific and Technical Conference, April 23–25, 2003: theses add.– K., 2003.– T.2.–P.49-52.
  5. 5. Yermolaeva O.V., Bezkorovainy Y.M., Yurchenko O.M. Analytical design of the system of optimal control of the simulator stand. Polit–2003: International scientific and technical conference., 2003: theses add. – K., 2003. – P. 310-313.
  6. 6. Yermolaeva O.V. Imitation of angular movements of the vessel using a simulator stand. Avia-2004: VI International Scientific and Technical Conference, April 26-28, 2004: theses addendum – K., 2004.- Volume 2. – P.26.24–26.27.
  7. 7. Yermolaeva O.V. The optimal control system of the stand-simulator of angular movements of the aircraft. Avionics–2004: 5th International Scientific and Technical Conference, May 20-21, 2004: theses addendum. – K., 2004.-S.46-47.
  8. 8. Blokhin L.M., Krivonosenko O.P., Yermolayeva O.V., Yurchenko O.M. Peculiarities of simulation of the three-stage “duck” of the ship and its dynamics model. Problems of informatization and management: Coll. of science works – K.: NAU, 2004.-Iss. 11.–P.75-78.
  9. 9. Yermolaeva O.V. Optimal control of the stand-simulator of angular moving vessels. Automation – 2004: 11th International Technical Conference on Automatic Control, October 27-29, 2004: Proceedings of the Conf. – K., 2004. – T3 – P.8.
  10. 10. Azarskov V.M., Blokhin L.M., Bezkorovainy Y.M., Yermolaeva O.V., Safronova I.Yu. The problem of modernization of full-scale and semi-full-scale modeling of disturbed flight. Highway of Ukraine: Bulletin of the Northern Scientific Center of the Transport Academy of Ukraine. – 2005. – No. 8. – P. 85 – 88.
  11. 11. Yermolaeva O.V. Structural identification of models of channel dynamics of the stand-simulator of the ship’s angular duck. Theory and methods of signal processing: 1st International Scientific Conference, May 25-27, 2005: supplemental theses – K., 2005.-P.116-117.
  12. 12. Yermolaeva O.V., Bezkorovainy Y.M. Task and results of simulation of spatial angular motion of a ship on an operating three-stage dynamic stand. Gyrotechnologies, navigation, motion control: V International. science and technology conference, April 21–22, 2005. – K., 2005. – P. 241-244.
  13. 13. Yermolaeva O.V., Bezkorovainy Y.M., Yurchenko O.M. A new task of modernizing a small-sized gyrovertical according to the data of its dynamic certification. Gyrotechnologies, navigation, motion control: V International. science and technology conference, April 21–22, 2005. – K., 2005. – P. 245-248.
  14. 14. Yermolaeva O.V., Noyenko N.S., Zyumina Yu.B. Tasks and results of simulating the spatial angular movements of the ship on an operating three-stage dynamic stand. Electronics and control systems.– 2006. – No. 2 – P.22–26.
  15. 15. Azarskov V.N., Blokhin L.N., Ermolaeva O.V., Litvynova O.V., Yurchenko A.N. Methodological foundations of modernization of navigation systems based on the results of their dynamic certification on the complex of semi-natural flight simulation. XIII St. Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, May 29-31, 2006 – S.-Pb, 2006. – P.44-46.
  16. 16. Azarskov V.M., Blokhin L.M., Yermolaeva O.V., Lytvynova O.V., Yurchenko O.M. Methodology for improving navigation systems using dynamic certification data. Highway of Ukraine: Bulletin of the Northern Scientific Center of the Transport Academy of Ukraine. – 2006. – No. 9. – P. 148 – 151.
  17. 17. Ryzhkov L.M., Yermolaeva O.V., Troyanov P.P. Fundamentals of programming in the MATLAB system. Methodical instructions for performing laboratory work in the discipline “Modern management theory”. – Slavutych: NTUU “KPI”, 2006 – 32p.
  18. 18. Ryzhkov L.M., Yermolaeva O.V., Troyanov P.P., Klipa A.M. Problems of synthesis of automatic control systems. Methodical instructions for performing laboratory work in the discipline “Modern management theory” – Slavutych: NTUU “KPI”, 2006. – 28p.
  19. 19. Yermolaeva O.V., Bezkorovainy Y.M. A stand-simulator of a three-stage stochastic “duck” of a heavy ship. Gyrotechnologies, navigation, motion control: VI International science and technology conference, April 26-27, 2007. – K, 2007. – Part II – pp. 20-26.
  20. 20. Yermolaeva O.V., Vasylniak R.I. Structural identification of models of roll channel dynamics of a three-stage stand-simulator of angular motion of a ship. Polit-2008: VIII International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists, April 4-6, 2008 – K., 2008. – Volume 2 2008 р. – К., 2008. – Т. 2. –С. 252.
  21. 21. Ryzhkov L.M., Yermolaeva O.V., Troyanov P.P., Klipa A.M. Problems of analysis of discrete automatic control systems. Methodical instructions for performing laboratory work in the discipline “Modern management theory” – Slavutych: NTUU “KPI”, 2008. – 30 p.
  22. 22. Prokofieva I.Yu., Ermolaeva O.V., Danylenko A.A. The problem of optimal monitoring of output reactions of a stabilization object with an output and independent perturbation. Gyrotechnologies, navigation, motion control and design of aerospace engineering: VII International. science and technology conference, April 23-24, 2009 – K., 2009. – Part I. – pp. 340-343.
  23. 23. Vovk V.G., Bezkorovainy Y.M., Yermolaeva O.V. The task of structural identification of a stabilized object based on the data of special field studies. Bulletin of the Central Scientific Center of the Transport Academy of Ukraine. – 2009. – No. 12. – pp. 80-83.
  24. 24. Yermolaeva O.V. The method of processing stochastic information in the process of modernizing the multidimensional motion simulator stand. AVIA-2009: IX International Scientific and Technical Conf., September 21–23, 2009: theses addendum. – K., 2009. – Volume 2. – P.9.39 -9.42.
  25. 25. Yermolaeva O.V., Bezkorovainy Y.M. Structural identification of models of dynamics of a multidimensional stand-simulator of angular movements of a ship along the roll channel. Intelligent decision-making systems and problems of computational intelligence: international scientific conference, May 16-20, 2011 – Kherson, 2011. – Volume 2. – P. 310-313.
  26. 26. O.V.Yermolayeva, G.L.Tokaryk, T.M.Grebinnyk Methodology and some results of primary processing of stochastic information of a multidimensional stand-simulator of angular movements along the trim channel. Electronics and control systems.– 2011. – No. 2(28) – P.11–15.
  27. 27. L.N. Blokhin, O.V. Ermolaeva, A.N. Yurchenko Problem and algorithm of complexing primary stochastic navigation information of a moving object. AVIA-2011: 10th International Scientific and Technical Conference, April 19–21, 2011: theses addendum. – K., 2011. – Vol. 32. – P. 19.15–19.18.
  28. 28. A.M. Klipa, O.O. Abramovich, O.V. Yermolaeva, P.P. Troyanov. Theory of automatic control Methodological recommendations for performing laboratory work in the discipline “Theory of automatic control”. – K: NAU, 2011. – 96 p.
  29. 29. Bezkorovainy Y.M., Yermolaeva O.V. Stabilization of a multidimensional object in the presence of controlled and uncontrolled stochastic disturbances. Intelligent decision-making systems and problems of computational intelligence: international scientific conference, May 27-30, 2012. – Kherson, 2012. – P. 468-470.
  30. 30. O.V.Yermolaeva, G.L.Tokaryk, T.M.Grebinnyk New algorithms for the synthesis of optimal robust multidimensional open control systems under deterministic effects. Automation-2012: XIX National Technical Conference on Automatic Control, September 26-28, 2012. – K., 2012. – T3 – P.319-320.
  31. 31. Yermolaeva O.V. Primary processing of stochastic information of a multidimensional stand-simulator of angular movements along the roll channel. Intelligent decision-making systems and problems of computational intelligence: international scientific conference, May 20-24, 2013. – Kherson, 2013. – P. 122-124.