Сущенко Ольга Андріївна

Д.т.н., проф.

Напрям наукової діяльності


Фахівець в галузі систем і приладів управління рухомими об’єктами



Фахівець в галузі систем і приладів управління рухомими об’єктами. Закінчила КПІ в 1980 році.

Кандидатську дисертацію захистила в 1991 році. Докторську дисертацію захистила в 2016 році.

Має більше ніж 214 науково-методичних публікацій, в тому числі 4 навчальних посібника та підручник.

За роки роботи в університеті викладалися наступні дисципліни:


“Інформаційно-вимірювальні пристрої та системи авіоніки”;

‘Information-measurement avionics devices and systems’.

Перелік основних наукових та навчально-методичних праць

Modelling and simulation of DME navigation global service volume

I Ostroumov, N Kuzmenko, O Sushchenko, V Pavlikov, S Zhyla, …
Advances in Space Research 68 (8), 3495-3507
Statistical synthesis of aerospace radars structure with optimal spatio-temporal signal processing, extended observation area and high spatial resolution

S Zhyla, V Volosyuk, V Pavlikov, N Ruzhentsev, E Tserne, A Popov, …
A probability estimation of aircraft departures and arrivals delays

I Ostroumov, N Kuzmenko, O Sushchenko, M Zaliskyi, O Solomentsev, …
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 363-377
Synthesis of the optimal algorithm and structure of contactless optical device for estimating the parameters of statistically uneven surfaces

O Shmatko, V Volosyuk, S Zhyla, V Pavlikov, N Ruzhentsev, E Tserne, …
Radioelectronic and computer systems, 199-213
Discrete-time robust steady-state control of nonlinear multivariable systems: a unified approach

LS Zhiteckii, VN Azarskov, KY Solovchuk, OA Sushchenko
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 8140-8145
Robust Control of Angular Motion of Platform with Payload Based on H-Synthesis

OA Sushchenko
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 48 (12)
Radio-heat contrasts of UAVs and their weather variability at 12 GHz, 20 GHz, 34 GHz, and 94 GHz frequencies

N Ruzhentsev, S Zhyla, V Pavlikov, V Volosyuk, E Tserne, A Popov, …
ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications …
Optimal method for polarization selection of stationary objects against the background of the Earth’s surface

V Volosyuk, S Zhyla, V Pavlikov, N Ruzhentsev, E Tserne, A Popov, …
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, 83-89-83-89
Practical imaging algorithms in ultra-wideband radar systems using active aperture synthesis and stochastic probing signals

S Zhyla, V Volosyuk, V Pavlikov, N Ruzhentsev, E Tserne, A Popov, …
Radioelectronic and Computer Systems, 55-76
Nonorthogonal redundant configurations of inertial sensors

OA Sushchenko, YN Bezkorovainyi, ND Novytska
2017 IEEE 4th International Conference Actual Problems of Unmanned Aerial …
Data processing system for altitude navigation sensor

OA Sushchenko, VO Golitsyn
2016 4th International Conference on Methods and Systems of Navigation and …
H2/H∞ optimization of system for stabilization and control by line-of-sight orientation of devices operated at UAV

OA Sushchenko, OV Shyrokyi
2015 IEEE International Conference Actual Problems of Unmanned Aerial …
Robust stabilization of UAV observation equipment

OA Sushchenko, AA Tunik
2013 IEEE 2nd International Conference Actual Problems of Unmanned Air …
Processing of redundant information in airborne electronic systems by means of neural networks

OA Sushchenko, YM Bezkorovayniy, VO Golytsin
2019 IEEE 39th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology …
Theoretical and experimental assessments of accuracy of nonorthogonal MEMS sensor arrays

O Sushchenko, Y Bezkorovainyi, N Novytska
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 40-49
Improvement of UAV positioning by information of inertial sensors

YN Bezkorovainyi, OA Sushchenko
2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Methods and Systems of Navigation …
Dynamic analysis of nonorthogonal redundant inertial measuring units based on MEMS-sensors

OA Sushchenko, YM Bezkorovainyi, ND Novytska
2018 IEEE 38th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology …
Fault-tolerant inertial measuring instrument with neural network

OA Sushchenko, YM Bezkorovainyi, VO Golitsyn
2020 IEEE 40th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology …
Inventory control for a manufacturing system under uncertainty: adaptive approach

VN Azarskov, LS Zhiteckii, KY Solovchuk, OA Sushchenko, RO Lupoi
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 10154-10159
Robust optimization of the inertially stabilized platforms

OA Sushchenko, AA Tunik
2012 2nd International Conference” Methods and Systems of Navigation and …
Invariant polarization signatures for recognition of hydrometeors by airborne weather radars

A Popov, E Tserne, V Volosyuk, S Zhyla, V Pavlikov, N Ruzhentsev, …
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 201-217
Usage of vector parametric optimization for robust stabilization of ground vehicles information-measuring devices

A Tunik, O Sushchenko
Proсeedings of the National Aviation University, 23-32
Математична модель системи стабілізації рухомого наземного об’єкта

ОА Сущенко, РА Сайфетдінов
Електроніка та системи управління.–2007 3 (13), 146-151
Features of control of tracking modes

OA Sushchenko
Electronics and Control Systems, 40-47
Особливості управління системою визначення курсу в режимі попереднього приведення до горизонту

ОА Сущенко
Advances in aerospace technology 21 (3), 86-89
GPS usage analysis for angular orientation practical tasks solving

K Dergachov, O Havrylenko, V Pavlikov, S Zhyla, E Tserne, V Volosyuk, …
2022 IEEE 9th International Conference on Problems of Infocommunications …